Hanover Woman 'So Tremendously Grateful' For Help From Vickie's Angels

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Throughout her life, Carmela Hipp says that she has grown accustomed to being the one to help others in need. But that familiar dynamic was suddenly upended nearly two years ago during a visit to her doctor’s office. That’s when it was revealed that the endometrial carcinoma that Hipp had been treated for nine years earlier had metastasized, leading to four tumors in her lungs.  

Hipp, 44, learned that her Stage IV diagnosis is treatable, but not curable. She was forced to quit working to focus on treatment, meaning she was suddenly relying on Social Security and disability to cover her bills and basic necessities.  

She needed help and that’s when she learned of Vickie’s Angel Foundation. She connected with the foundation’s founder, Mickey Minnich, and help was soon on the way.  

“When Mickey called and told me they wanted to pay my mortgage, I didn’t have any words. They could have picked any bill. Who picks the most expensive?” Hipp said during a recent phone conversation. “That’s a good organization and good people. You could pick my electric bill. But they chose to do that. I feel so tremendously grateful.”  

That gratitude is something that Hipp, of Hanover, York County, says she carries with her every day. Despite her diagnosis and ongoing treatment, she says that she feels fortunate that she has been able to stay in her home. She also is close with her three children, leaning on them for support.  

Hipp says that she’s thought recently about her bucket list, which includes taking a cruise and making a trip to see the Grand Canyon. She says that her philosophy is that “you have to live your best life — no matter how long you live.” 

After receiving support from Vickie’s Angel Foundation, Hipp also said she is hopeful that one day she might be able to establish her own foundation that would provide assistance to working people who have received a cancer diagnosis. She says that her own experience attempting to work through her illness showed her there is a need for people in a similar situation. She knows that a critical illness can quickly wipe out anyone’s finances.    

“In life, you get so much reward by giving back,” Hipp said. “My hope is this is a legacy for my children when I’m not here.”    

About Us: Vickie's Angel Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a mission of helping families fighting cancer who cannot pay their bills because of going through cancer treatment. The foundation’s goal is to take away the financial worry from the family, providing a temporary bridge that allows them to focus entirely on beating this disease. Since 2003, Vickie’s Angel Foundation has raised over $3.2 million and helped more than 2,000 families. Importantly, 100% of all online donations, and monies received at our walk; along with 100% of net proceeds from sponsored events, go directly to those in need.