York County Woman Battling Breast Cancer Aided by Vickie’s Angel Foundation


Lauren Lenhert-Geyer said she was an emotional wreck last summer when she learned that she had breast cancer. The news arrived for the 34-year-old York County woman after what was initially believed to be a cyst was detected during an annual visit to the doctor. She decided to go for further testing, including a biopsy, that confirmed the news that shook her. 

“I could tell I was in shock. I didn’t expect to hear that news. I called my mom right away and as soon as she answered, I balled,” Lauren said. 

Adding to the difficulty of her diagnosis was the fact that Lauren, a Wrightsville resident, had just started a new job. Although she said her new employer was incredibly

understanding of the time she needed to take off from work for surgery and chemotherapy treatments, there was still a void to fill with regard to her finances. That’s where Vickie’s Angel Foundation stepped in. Lauren said she was connected to the New Cumberland-based non-profit by a social worker at the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, where she has been receiving treatment. As it does for many people each year, Vickie’s Angel Foundation provided a short-term financial bridge to help Lauren pay some of her bills so that she could focus on her recovery. 

“At the time when I first got my diagnosis, I missed so much work. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I didn’t have any other income. It wasn’t like my appointments were lightening up any time soon,” Lauren said. “Without their help [at Vickie’s Angel Foundation}, I would have lost my apartment and my car. Everything would have fallen apart.” 

The prognosis for Lauren is positive and she said she has a great support system of family and friends who have kept her in good spirits in recent months. Although she has lost her hair through her treatments, she said her mother works for a company that produces custom hair pieces, so she’s been able to acquire a few wigs that she has worn recently. 

Lauren said that her upcoming schedule will include radiation treatments. As for her experience with Vickie’s Angel Foundation, she spoke glowingly of her interactions with the organization’s founder, Mickey Minnich, and its Board of Directors. Those conversations also provided Lauren with another outlet to discuss her diagnosis and path forward, which is something that she strongly recommends for others battling cancer. 

“I want people to know they’re not alone in their fight. There are many people going through this. If they need somebody to talk to, there are people out there,” Lauren said. “I know it’s hard. I hate asking for help. I hate talking about myself to somebody else. But I’ve learned that’s the best therapy for this.” 

About Us: Vickie's Angel Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a mission of helping families fighting cancer who cannot pay their bills because of going through cancer treatment. The foundation’s goal is to take away the financial worry from the family, providing a temporary bridge that allows them to focus entirely on beating this disease. Since 2003, Vickie’s Angel Foundation has raised over $3.2 million and helped more than 2,000 families. Importantly, 100% of all online donations, and monies received at our walk; along with 100% of net proceeds from sponsored events, go directly to those in need.