The Importance of Family

Never one to resist hard work, Robert Kohl had been a truck driver and a welder by trade. After retiring, he worked another ten years delivering product for Nolts Auto Parts in Lancaster before a cancer diagnosis sidelined him.

Like so many, Robert was having some problems but didn’t go to the doctor as soon as he should have. When he did it was weeks, many tests and a lot of poking and prodding later when he finally learned of the bladder cancer. Surgery was followed by 24 radiation treatments only to learn a month later that the cancer had spread.

Prior to his diagnosis Robert also collected and sold scrap metal to help make ends meet. Now  unable to work at all and living on only Social Security, just the costs involved in the trips to treatment were taking a toll.

Fortunately, Robert’s Wellspan social worker referred him to Vickie’s Angel Foundation.

Because Vickie’s Angel Foundation pays bills directly, we were unable to pay Robert’s mortgage as he was having it drafted automatically and there was no way to interrupt that on a temporary basis. We were able to provide Robert with Giant cards for food and gas. We paid his electric and propane bills for months and when a plumbing problem arose, we paid the $400+ bill.

“We cannot thank them enough for all they did for him”, said his sister Delrea Ream. Robert has the good fortune of being part of a very large family. Robert has the good fortune of being part of a very large family (11 brothers and sisters), but his sister Delrea has been a constant through his treatment and beyond. 

Robert is now in hospice care and Vickie’s Angel Foundation continues to call and check in on him.