How the Scrap Happy Angels Began

By Doreen Winchell
Co-coordinator of the Annual Scrap Happy Angels Event


My cousin and I formed a team thirteen years ago named “Scrap Happy Angels”. So far we have been able to raise over $45,337.00 for this wonderful Foundation. We came up with the team name since we are both avid scrapbookers. We decided to have a scrapbook day named “Scrap Happy Angel Crop” each year with the monies being donated to the Angel Walk. We contacted all our fellow scrapbookers and were able to raise approximately $700 the first year of our event.

Vicky and I both lost our mothers in 1998 due to cancer. Each of us was fortunate enough to be able to give our mothers the best of care without having to worry about how to pay for the many services needed. We are also both lucky to have a very dear aunt who treated both of us as her own daughters. About seven years ago our aunt became very ill and it was then that we found out she also had cancer. My cousin and I, along with my brother and sister-in-law, and my father, all decided to get together and take care of my aunt as long as possible. Each of us would take turns moving into her home for a weekend, or several days during the week and provided whatever care she required. The last five months of her life we had to make the difficult decision to place her in the Hospice House. It was probably the best decision we could have made but a very painful step to take. Those five months we were able to become her visitors instead of her caretakers. We spent quality time talking, laughing, reading or just sitting and watching her favorite shows.

It is with honor and love for these wonderful ladies that we walk to help other families who are not able to afford the many things required during this terrible time in their lives.

Our motto is:
Angels with wings
Scrapbookers with heart;
Keeping memories alive
Even though we’re apart.


Donate to their Vickie’s Angel Walk team.