One hundred percent of all funds raised at the Angel Walk go directly to help families in need.
We offer a temporary financial bridge for central Pennsylvania individuals unable to work and pay bills while battling cancer. We pay bills directly, like rent, mortgage, utilities, car payments and more. All ages, all cancers, all the time!
Looking for help with registration?
Watch this tutorial.
Mickey Minnich at the 2021 Angel Walk. Thank you to Trinity Church, New Cumberland, for providing this footage!
our heartfelt thanks to our New Cumberland
community for your grace, your love
and your hospitality!
Your donation ensures we can continue to be
there for families in their time of need.
If you can’t join us in New Cumberland, our Dauphin County walk is an option or you could simply walk where you are! Register to walk and raise funds but hold your walk at work, school, church or home. Whether there are 5, 50 or 150 of you, you can make it fun and 100% of what you raise goes to local families.
Recognize Your Loved Ones
A 16 x 24 inch sign will be placed along the walk path in New Cumberland Borough Park. The cost of the sign is $20 each and can be taken home after the walk if you would like. To order signs, please use the form included in our Angel Walk brochure.